Being compassionate to others is a superpower. It’s no different when you show the same concern and understanding to yourself. Some people might confuse self-compassion for selfishness but nothing could be further from the truth.
Self-compassion means being kind to yourself. You learn to completely accept the best and worst parts of yourself. You don’t fall into the spiral of self-criticism when you fail to meet your expectations. Rather, you view your mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow. Also, you don’t take others’ judgments and opinions to your heart.
If you find that you’re relating to yourself well, you’ll be able to foster better relationships. Being kind to yourself won’t take away the kindness you give to others. Rather, it will only increase it.
With that said, let’s look into more benefits of self-compassion.
The benefits of self-compassion
- Lower levels of depression and anxiety
Anxiety is all about fear. It can make your nerves wreck as to what’s going to happen next. Self-compassion helps you to understand that the future is always uncertain.
So all you have to do is love yourself. Whether or not things turn out in your favor shouldn’t decide how kind you’re being to yourself. - Higher levels of confidence
When anxiety goes down, confidence goes up. You stop being harsh on yourself and let go of anything that brings you down. - Positive Self-talk
Criticism doesn’t have to be bad. If it’s positive, it will only help you become a better person. When you’re compassionate with yourself, non-constructive criticism from others won’t affect you.
You’ll develop the ability to transform any critical voice into self-improvement missionsor . And if they don’t serve you in any way, you’ll learn to let them go as they come. - Redirecting negative thoughts
It’s natural to get negative thoughts. However, with the help of self-compassion, you don’t let them take over you. You know that they’re just thoughts, so you let them come and go without taking a toll on you.
Self-compassion also inspires awareness. So the next time you get a negative thought, you would be compelled to replace it with a positive one.
How to develop self-compassion
- Lower levels of depression and anxiety
Anxiety is all about fear. It can make your nerves wreck as to what’s going to happen next. Self-compassion helps you to understand that the future is always uncertain.
So all you have to do is love yourself. Whether or not things turn out in your favor shouldn’t decide how kind you’re being to yourself. - Higher levels of confidence
When anxiety goes down, confidence goes up. You stop being harsh on yourself and let go of anything that brings you down. - Positive Self-talk
Criticism doesn’t have to be bad. If it’s positive, it will only help you become a better person. When you’re compassionate with yourself, non-constructive criticism from others won’t affect you.
You’ll develop the ability to transform any critical voice into self-improvement missionsor . And if they don’t serve you in any way, you’ll learn to let them go as they come. - Redirecting negative thoughts
It’s natural to get negative thoughts. However, with the help of self-compassion, you don’t let them take over you. You know that they’re just thoughts, so you let them come and go without taking a toll on you.
Self-compassion also inspires awareness. So the next time you get a negative thought, you would be compelled to replace it with a positive one.
How to develop self-compassion
- Write a letter to yourself
Sometimes it’s better to get out everything in written form. Tangled thoughts come out in a much clearer manner when put down on paper. You could even use a digital notes app though. - Rewire your brain for a growth mindset
Everything starts with your mindset. If you’re going to take everything as a fleeting experience, it won’t burden your brain with thoughts that block your growth.
Here’s the thing with the human brain. Whatever thoughts you give more time to, will expand. So by learning new thoughts or skills, you can change the way your brain works. Try reading about new subjects or even picking up a new hobby. - Practice gratitude
Give thanks to yourself. You’ve been working very hard. Whether it’s in the sphere of work or life in general. Read this post if you want to learn more about the benefits of gratitude. - Let go of perfectionism
Perfectionism can be good as long as it’s healthy. How do you know if it’s unhealthy though? Well, it’s simple – you might be feeling stressed. Healthy perfectionism will make you strive toward excellence. Whereas, if it’s toxic, it would make you lean toward unrealistic expectations. So it’s the latter that you must let go of. - Treat yourself like a child
Talk to yourself like you would to a child. To make this activity simpler, engage yourself in activities you loved doing in childhood. Even if it’s making origami animals, why not?
So self-compassion is all about being kind to yourself. Once you start doing that, your entire life will transform. The relationship you have with yourself and others will blossom like never before.
Do you have trouble being kind to yourself? If so, I’m here to help. I’m Amy de Jesús, but you can call me Amy. Allow me to be your guide to everlasting compassion! Get in touch and I’m sure you won’t be disappointed.