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Body Image  Issues


Therapy is an effective way to address body image concerns. We will explore all the patterns and factors that may have contributed to your current attitudes. We will explore how much of your self-perception comes from negative comments by others, social media, and other outlets. Therapy can help you rebuild a self-image that isn’t tainted by mistreatment or lack of self-compassion.

Self- compassion is an integral part of improving body image and self-perception. People often blame themselves for not being a perfect match to cultural ideals. Many people practice comparison with beliefs if they spent more effort on working on their bodies, applying creams, wearing better clothes, etc., that they would look how they “should.”  Your appearance is not a measurement of your overall worth as a human being. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a common form of treatment for body image issues. CBT, helps a you learn to recognize in the moment when you are being unfair to yourself. You will learn skills to spot situations that prompt their self-criticism and learn to avoid or mitigate these triggers. A therapist can teach you how to challenge negativity with mindfulness and positive self-talk.

We can give you tools to learn how to develop self-compassion which is vital to boosting self-esteem. 

Self-compassion can be understood in three parts: 

  1. Showing kindness toward oneself.  Forgiving one’s faults or mistakes, especially in times of failure or pain.
  2. Recognizing no human is perfect.  Attributing one’s mistakes to the human condition rather than failures unique to oneself. 
  3. Building awareness of emotions.  Being mindful of painful thoughts and feelings without letting them consume oneself.
  4. Important tools to gaining a positive self-view:
    1. Mindfulness techniques to help people address negative thoughts in the moment. 
    2. Journaling and affirmations 
    3. Challenging negative thoughts and self-talk 
    4. Practicing positive self-talk
    5. Exploring and recognizing personal strengths 

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