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In our practice you will learn tools to become more aware and present, here are some examples:

  1. Breathing exercises
  2. Guided Imagery
  3. Body scan meditation 
  4. Yoga 
  5. Mindful eating excercises


Mindfulness is often incorporated into other therapeutic modalities as part of an integrated approach to treatment. Even small negative thoughts can accumulate and/or spiral out of control, leading to concerns such as depressionanxiety, and suicidal ideation. Mental health professionals have come to realize, however, that mindfulness can be of great benefit, as it can enable people to become better able to separate themselves from negative thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations that may be present, often before they become too overwhelming. Those who are able to achieve this state of awareness may find it easier to then implement other therapeutic strategies to address any potentially harmful cognitions in order to prevent negative effects. Regular mindfulness practice is believed to help further psychological insight and emotional healing, over time. 

Mindfulness-based interventions, generally aimed at relieving symptoms of stress, mental health concerns, and physical pain, can be used to address and treat a range of symptoms and concerns. 

  • Mindfulness-based stress reduction can often help people address stress, anxiety, depression, health and other chronic issues. 
  • MBCT often forms part of the approach to treatment of recurrent depression, anxiety, , eating and food issues, panic attacks, attention deficit hyperactivity, and posttraumatic stress, among others.
  • DBT is used primarily in the treatment of suicidal ideation, BPD, self-harm, substance dependence, eating and food issues, depression, and PTSD. 
  • ACT is an approach often used in the treatment of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, chronic pain, psychosis, and cancer.


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