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What is intuitive eating? (And 3 ways to develop it)

Have you ever heard this? “You are what you eat.”

Eat this, not that. We’ve heard this over and over again, haven’t we? We tend to go overboard thinking about what to eat.

What is intuitive eating?

Let’s begin with the fact that your body deserves respect. That said, intuitive eating is all about what makes you feel your best – in mind, body, and spirit. Traditional dieting often labels certain foods as ‘bad’, and others as ‘good’. But truth be told, it’s not a single path for everyone to take.

On the other hand, that also doesn’t mean you can go ahead and eat whatever you want. Imagine eating a poisonous plant, Heavens no! What it does mean is that you let your intuition guide you. We’re all unique and your body knows when it’s hungry or full. So here are 3 ways for you to practice intuitive eating.

  1. Let go of the dieting mentality
    Do you fall a lot for the dieting culture? Well, don’t! While having a balanced diet is a good idea, it’s not a one-size-fits-all approach. Weight loss diets don’t work for everyone because our bodies react differently to certain foods.
    For example, you might even be allergic to milk, which may be a part of your diet plan. So it’s necessary to let go of stereotypes and see what fits in with the needs of your body, and awakens your mind and spirit!

  1. Make peace with your food and body
    Whatever you eat, your body will send you signals as to how it feels. For example, you’ve taken a plate of your favorite food and you’re enjoying every bit of it as you eat. But as your tongue reacts to the flavors, note what your body is telling you too. Do you want more or feel full after you’ve finished half of your meal? Mindful eating also plays a bit of a role here. So you need to be present with your food and get lost in it to tune in to your body responses as well.I love spicy mushrooms Oh, and of course, you don’t have to imagine mushrooms or even spicy ones if you don’t like them!

  1. Eat when your body tells you
    Now that sounds quite strange, right? You might be trying to lose or gain weight and that’s okay. Indeed, you shouldn’t binge eat. However, what would you do if you’re following strict dieting and not honoring your hunger? Eating intuitively is about honoring your body needs to soothe your mind and
    spirit too. So if you’re hungry, eat till you feel satisfied. Otherwise, it’s not only your body that’ll be left craving. It would disturb your mind and affect your spirit too!


All in all, intuitive eating is about taking food that’s best for your physical and mental health. The key to enjoying your food is to let it encompass your body, mind, and spirit. A bit of mindful eating can also help you focus on the tastes of the food and notice whether your body is satisfied or not.
To each, their own. Honor your mind, body, and spirit with food.
That’s what intuitive eating is all about!

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