When was the last time you tasted your food? You know, feeling every detail melting on your taste buds? A lot of people miss that kind of delightful experience because they aren’t mindful. But if you do practice mindfulness, you can get into the habit of mindful eating.
To understand mindful eating, let’s first look into mindfulness. It is about staying in the present, without any distractive thoughts. Of course, thoughts will always be inside your mind but the trick is to not let them distract you from the present moment. If that happens, you will miss out on experiences.
So here’s what mindful eating truly means. It’s about focusing on your food. You get to enjoy every bit of its taste. But that’s not all, it’s also about the edible items you decide to buy, the process of cooking and serving, and how all of these factors affect the environment.
For example, if you decide to go all vegan, you’re doing something for the benefit of the earth as a whole. After all, edibles like nuts, seeds, grains, and more are less likely to harm the planet compared to non-veg products such as cheeseburgers.
Ways to practice mindful eating
- Remove distractions from around you
First things first, having focus is key. In the modern world, we often lose ourselves quickly to distractions. Take your cell phone as an example. If you are busy texting or scrolling social media while eating, your attention is diverted.
Engaging in any sort of multitasking means you’re dividing the focus. And when that happens, your mind will have a lot to cater to! So do yourself a favor at the dining table – stay quiet and pay attention to your food as you eat. Do it as if you’re tasting it for the very first time. You can even close your eyes to completely get lost in the taste!
- Change the way you eat
Are you a fast eater? If yes, then what’s the rush about? The pace at which you eat affects both your physical and mental health. So slow down a bit and take small bites, while savoring each.
- Create sensory details of your food
All your senses must be present to truly practice mindful eating. Before you begin to eat, take a moment to look at your food. Observe it from all angles if you have to, just examine its color and texture.
Also, take in the smell. Try to detect some aromas of spices or any other ingredient. Is there something familiar or do you find anything new?
- Create a shopping list
Create your shopping list in advance instead of being spontaneous. It would help you plan recipes ahead of time. The advantage is clear, you won’t end up shopping for extras that could go to waste.
Pick food items that are natural and organic rather than being highly processed or consisting of chemicals. It’s a matter of collective health. You’ll be doing a huge favor to yourself and the planet as well!
- Respect your body needs and eat when you need
This is where intuitive eating comes into play. Be aware of the needs of your body and respond to your hunger appropriately. Don’t torture yourself just because you’re on a diet.
If you want to eat something, go for it. It’s fine as long as it’s not harming your health or becoming a stress-eating coping mechanism.
- Express gratitude before and after the food
There’s nothing in this world that gratitude can’t magnify. When you’re thankful for something, it automatically becomes important. Before you take your first bite, think of how blessed you are to be able to eat.
Cherish the food that’s on the table even if it isn’t your favorite. Having food and drink is a blessing in itself. And when you’re done eating, practice gratitude. It could be a simple thank you or even a prayer. Even if you say it in your heart, it would eventually become a habit.
And so, mindful eating is all about eating, cooking, serving, and shopping while keeping collective needs in mind. If you want to learn more about it, join hands with me. I’m Amy de Jesús, a psychotherapist that can help you get started on your journey of mindful eating. Let’s work together to reshape your relationship with food!